Sunday, August 22, 2010

Getting closer

Well that weekend went fast! Bob and I were busy with packing, sorting, and goodbye parties. Today, I packed up most of the bathroom which puts me back on schedule for what I wanted to accomplish by today. Bob's family picked up our washer/dryer to store for us along with some other random stuff. The big push for tomorrow is packing our clothes to take to my parent's house. So far so good. I'm not feeling too overwhelmed tonight.

My son had a bit of a rough day. I think all of the craziness at home and the late nights has lead to a very tired boy. I feel badly for him since he doesn't understand what's going on. I try to explain it to him but I know that he'll be okay. It probably doesn't help that mom and dad have been a bit crabby lately.

Tomorrow is Bob's last day of work. I'm sure he'll have mixed emotions throughout the day. We are very thankful for his job that he had here. It got us through college and a few years after. He learned a lot there and made some good friends. It's time to move on though. We have some exciting things ahead of us!

Monday - pack
Tuesday - pick up and load the moving truck, clean the house
Wednesday - move to WI
Thursday - unpack and get settled in
Friday - Bob's first day of work

Here we go! 

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